It's about time I woke up from my hibernation, which was great!
There was a lot of relaxing time over Christmas with children after we celebrated
Sinterklaas (
wiki info) of course.
So now the new year has started and again I have so much going on in my head; it's like total chaos quilting patterns and ideas. I'm sure you'll recognize this.
I read somewhere in a blog that the writer hadn't made any New Year's resolutions, but just one word for the whole year. For me that word is
not a picture to look at for a long time if you're migraine prone ... |
I did not finished one quilt last year, which is absolutely abominable; fortunately it's easily solved by finishing the ones which are nearly done anyway! So you'll see them soon enough.
The good news for this year is that I have already bought my ticket for the Fat Quarterly Retreat in London in July this year. I'm very pleased with that!
One of the things that has kept me busy during my hibernation was buying old Singer sewing machines. I thought only crazy people did that, but it turns out I'm one of them now.
I'll show you more in the future.
And if you're still here, I do appreciate you reading this!
Comment if you like.
And I still feel flattered when people want to read what I write.
So please forgive the breaks I take ...
My aim for this year is at least one post a week (starting from now)
Have a great time sewing or otherwise!