A blog about quilts'n stuff

A blog about quilts'n stuff

Friday, 1 February 2013


The first month of the year is over and I feel as if I've accomplished something.
Besides a lot of snow and cold thus feeding the birds, I have been sewing!
And enjoying it too.

My Dead Simple Scrappy Trip around the World consists of 9 blocks at the moment and I think I'd like to add some (7? 14?) more. (One block is totally messed up and I'll unpick that)

The birds in the garden had a lot to eat. The latest thing (craze?) here is saltless peanutbutter for them. Especially when it's really cold they eat a jar in 2 to 3 days.
Blackbirds love apples and eat everything around the core.

Ahh my daughter's hamster died; she buried it in our garden.
(She's 23 so no drama's there)

I'm glad my sewing mojo is back!
Now I'm off to look at all the others at Lynn's and I'll be at this Friday Party
Lily's Quilts


  1. RIP Ozzie - he looks so peaceful :-( The apples are amazing - I have never seen that before. So happy to read that you have been sewing again Betty.

  2. Your Trip blocks look good to me!

  3. Your quilt blocks are beautiful - wonderful colours!
    Sweet idea to put in the box her/his favourites.

  4. Poor Ozzie, love the scrappy trip....more is better!

  5. Your trip around the world is looking lovely, Sorry to hear about your hamster though.

  6. Those blocks are stunning - well done

  7. I'm going to give the Scrappy Trip a go- can't resist using so many different fabrics! Yours is looking good!

  8. Yay for you! They are lovely blocks

  9. Those are beautiful blocks! Love the colors... sad for your little hamster, though. :o(

  10. I love the soft tones in your scrappy trip along :)
