A blog about quilts'n stuff

A blog about quilts'n stuff

Friday, 18 May 2012

To wash or not?

I've finished my quilt for this charity: each sibling receives a quilt at the end of their summer camp as these siblings aren't in the same foster family. I've added mine in the Flickr Pool for all Siblings Together Quilts; have a look and be amazed!

I was wondering as I was admiring my finished Siblings Together quilt: should I wash it?
Is it dirty?

The fabric looks so crisp and nice now and after washing it, it might look like a second hand quilt: all crumpled and crinckly, and not the real original colours it had before you stuck it in the washing machine. You and me know it isn't a hand-me-down quilt, but does the first time quilt owner know?

I have the tendency to just go over it with a lint roller and then give it with washing & drying instructions. I've only washed one of the 16 projects I've made so far.

I'd just like to know, what do you do?


  1. It looks so awesome!
    Untill now I never washed a finished quilt that I gave away, but added a box of dye catchers in the package so the recipient could use those at the first time washing. I love the crispiness of new fabrics and I never loved the look of washed quilts very much. However, I was also doubting what to do with my quilt for ST and I think I will wash it this time.

  2. I always wash mine before I give them away otherwise I fret about what might happen when they wash it for the first time. What if they forget and hot wash it without a colour catcher? I would rather do it myself and know that it's going to be okay. I then give it a good iron, which makes it look tidy again. But that's just me!

  3. Sometimes I pre-wash my fabrics but I rarely wash a finished quilt unless I deliberately want that crinkly look.

  4. I wash and go, usually with colour catchers, and I love the crinkly effect!

  5. I love the crinkly fresh effect too!

  6. I typically don't pre-wash my fabrics but I usually wash and dry the finished quilt, to make sure the colors don't run and nothing falls apart. I like the crinkly look but it definitely changes the overall effect of the quilt. Your quilt is so pretty just the way it is, I might never wash it!

  7. I don't pre-wash. P.S. I Love your blog! I have my own little blog too. I have been nominated for a Liebster Blog Award by Common Quilts. I'd like to nominate you. It's an award for small blogs (less than 200 followers). It's a fun way to network and bring small blogs together! A Liebster means "dearest" or "favorite" in German. As a recipient you are expected to:

    Thank the person that nominated you and link back to them.
    Present the award to five other blogs
    Let them know by commenting on their blog
    Post the award on your blog The artwork is out there on the web.
